John Bateman (University of Bremen)
John Bateman is Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Linguistics and English Departments of the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies at Bremen University. He received his PhD in Artificial Intelligence from Edinburgh University in 1986. His research areas revolve around multimodal and multilingual semiotic descriptions, functional and computational linguistics, accounts of register, genre, functional variation, and natural language semantics, and formal and linguistic ontologies. He has published widely in all of these areas, including monographs on text generation (1991, Pinter, co-authored with Christian Matthiessen), multimodality and genre (2008, Palgrave), film (2012, Routledge, with Karl-Heinrich Schmidt), text and image (2014, Routledge), and an introduction to multimodality as a new discipline (2017, de Gruyter, with Janina Wildfeuer and Tuomo Hiippala). Recent work focuses specifically on the semiotic foundations of multimodality and the use of empirical methods for their investigation, combining interdisciplinary studies drawing on eye-tracking, brain-imaging and corpus studies.
Naomi Baron (Emerita, American University Washington)
Naomi S. Baron is Professor Emerita of Linguistics at American University in Washington, DC. She is a former Guggenheim Fellow, Fulbright Fellow, and Visiting Scholar at the Stanford Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. For more than thirty years she has been studying the effects of technology on language, including the ways we speak, read, write, and think. Her earlier books include Words Onscreen: The Fate of Reading in a Digital World (2015) and How We Read Now: Strategic Choices for Print, Screen, and Audio (2021). Her newest book, Who Wrote This? How AI and the Lure of Efficiency Threaten Human Writing, is due out in Fall 2023.
Caroline Bassett (University of Cambridge)
Caroline Bassett is Professor of Digital Humanities, Director of Cambridge Digital Humanities a
research centre at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Corpus Christi College. Her research
investigates digital technologies and cultural change, critical theory and methods, and gender issues.
Her recent monographs include Anti-Computing (Manchester University Press, 2022) which asserts
that computational dissent is historically significant, and Furious (Pluto Press, 2019), a collaboration
exploring gender, ambition and possible technological futures. Current projects focus on AI and
writing and on Science Fiction and apocalypse fever.
Gwen Bouvier (University of Shanghai)
Gwen Bouvier (PhD, University of Wales) is a Professor at Shanghai International Studies University, Institute of Corpus Studies and Applications. Her main research interests are digital communication and civic debate on social media. Professor Bouvier’s publications have drawn on critical discourse analysis, multimodality based on social semiotics, and online ethnography. She is the Associate Editor for Social Semiotics. Her latest publications include the book Qualitative Research Using Social Media, Routledge 2022 and the articles ‘Where Neoliberalism shapes Confucian notions of child rearing: influencers, experts and discourses of intensive parenting on Chinese Weibo’ in Discourse, Context and Media 2022 and ‘What gets lost in Twitter ‘cancel culture’ hashtags? Calling out racists reveals some limitations of social justice campaigns’, Discourse & Society 2021.
Cristoph Draxler (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Christoph Draxler is a Privatdozent at the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich. His research interests concern Webtools for phonetic research, Speech databases and perceptive-acoustic dialectology. He publishes and works intensively at the Bayerisches Archiv für Sprachsignale (BAS) Web Services (CLARIN-D), developing and testing new Webtools. He teaches in BA and MA courses at the IPS and regularly takes part in numerous conferences all around the world.
Karina Horsti (University of Jyväskylä /University of Helsinki)
Karina Horsti is Visiting Professor at Department of Communication Studies at the University of Minnesota (2023-2025) and Lecturer in Cultural Policy at the University of Jyväskylä. Her research focuses on media, migration, and memory. She is the author of Survival and Witness at Europe’s Border: The Afterlives of a Disaster.
Julien Longhi (Université Cergy Pontoise, Paris)
Julien Longhi is Full Professor of Linguistics and Digital Humanities at CY Cergy Paris université. He specializes in discourse analysis of political and media texts, with a particular focus on ideologies, social media and digital humanities. He has published books, articles and edited volumes in the fields of pragmatics, semantics and corpus linguistics, in addition to discourse analysis. He is the director of the CY Digital Humanities Institute, and the coordinator of the Horizon Europe ARENAS project (Analysis of and Responses to Extremist Narratives).
Massimo Riva, (Italian Studies, Brown University, director of the Virtual Humanities Lab)
Massimo Riva is Professor of Italian Studies and Modern Media at Brown University. He is the author of several books on melancholy and other literary maladies in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, post-humanism and the hyper-novel, and the future of literature in the digital age. He is the editor of Italian Tales, an anthology of contemporary Italian fiction, published by Yale University Press, and the co-editor of the Cambridge U.P. edition of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s Oration on Human Dignity. Since the late 1990s, his pioneering work in the digital humanities has led to the creation of award-winning projects, including the Decameron Web, the recipient of two major grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Virtual Humanities Lab, recipient of a two-year NEH grant, and the Garibaldi Panorama and the Risorgimento Archive, recipient of a Digital Innovation award from the American Council of Learned Societies. For his engagement with research-based teaching, he was nominated Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence. His most recent project is a digital monograph entitled Shadow Plays. Virtual Realities in an Analog World, published in June 2022 by Stanford University Press and the winner of a PROSE prize from the Association of American Publishers in the category of e-publications.
Francesca Tomasi (Università di Bologna)
Francesca Tomasi is associate professor in Archival Science, Bibliography and Librarianship at the University of Bologna (Italy). Her research is mostly devoted to digital humanities, with a special attention to documentary digital edition and knowledge organization methods in the Semantic web environment.
She is Director of the PhD in Cultural Heritage in the Digital Ecosystem and Head of the Digital Humanities Advanced Research Center (/DH.ARC). She has been President of the Library of the School of Humanities in the University of Bologna (BDU – Biblioteca di Discipline Umanistiche), Director of the international second cycle degree in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (DHDK) and President of the Italian Association of Digital Humanities (AIUCD – Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale). She wrote about 100 papers and 5 monographs related to DH topics. She is editor and scientific director of several digital scholarly projects (e.g. Vespasiano da Bisticci, Lettere; Paolo Bufalini, Quaderno; MythLOD; Aldo Moro digital edition). Among her last publication, the volume: Organizzare la conoscenza: Digital Humanities e Web Semantico, Editrice Bibliografica, 2022.
Markus Westner (OTH Regensburg)
Markus Westner is a Professor of IT Management at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Regensburg, a renowned technical university of applied sciences in Germany. His primary research and teaching interests include IT strategy, governance, and sourcing. As a passionate educator, he continuously explores innovative instructional technologies and pedagogical methods. Markus also frequently leads workshops on teaching didactics.
In addition to his teaching and research roles, Markus serves as an Associate Editor for the Information & Management journal. He has authored numerous journal articles and conference papers throughout his academic career. Prior to joining academia, Markus worked as a project manager at one of the world’s leading management consulting firms.