The series envisages three formats:
– One-hour lectures (45-50 minutes, followed by questions)
– mini-panels(“duets”): involving two speakers giving a short talk (20-25 minutes) and a long discussion
– workshops: 90 minutes including practical work for students

Session will take place on THURSDAY, Italian Times, GMT+1.

24/09/20 3.45-5.15 pmBill Cope & Mary Kalantzis (University of Illinois)Panel: Parsing Multimodality: Towards a Transpostional Grammar  
1/10/20 9.30-11 amLouise Ravelli (University of New South Wales)Workshop: Introduction to Spatial Discourse Analysis in Relation to the Built Environment  
8/10/20 3.45-5.15 pmMassimo Riva (Brown University)Lecture: Transmedia storytelling and modular reading, from nineteenth-century analog to twenty-first century digital publishing  
15/10/20 10 – 11.30 amGerhard Weikum
(Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken)
Lecture: What Computers Know, Learn and Can Be Trusted With
22/10/20 2-3.30 pmGeoffrey Williams
(University of Bretagne Sud)

Bernd Meyer (Research Center of Social and Cultural Studies Mainz)
Panel: “Challenges of corpus compilation and annotation”

Rubbish In, Rubbish Out: Building corpora that represent something in language

Annotation as theory: metadata, annotations and other layers of information for multilingual spoken language corpora  
29/10/20 2-3.30 pmRoberto V. Zicari (Goethe University, Frankfurt)  Lecture: Assessing Ethical AI. Z-Inspection: A holistic and analytic process
5/11/20 3.45-5.15 pmNaomi Baron (American University)Lecture: Is Reading Boring?
12/11/20 2-3.30 pmWalter Quattrociocchi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)Lecture: From confirmation bias to eco chamber. A data driven approach
19/11/20 10 – 11.30 amJulien Longhi (University of Cergy-Pontoise)Workshop: How to explore textual corpora with the Iramuteq Software?
26/11/20 2-3.30 pmElisabetta Adami (University of Leeds)Lecture: Multimodality and the Pandemic
3/12/20 2-3.30 pmChiara Rioli (Fordham University/Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)Workshop: Delving Into Jerusalem’s Archives: History, Religions and Languages. A Methodological Workshop.