Naomi Baron (Emerita, American University Washington)
Naomi S. Baron is Professor Emerita of Linguistics at American University in Washington, DC. She is a former Guggenheim Fellow, Fulbright Fellow, and Visiting Scholar at the Stanford Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. For more than thirty years she has been studying the effects of technology on language, including the ways we speak, read, write, and think. Her earlier books include Always On: Language in an Online and Mobile World (2008) and Words Onscreen: The Fate of Reading in a Digital World (2015). Her newest book is How We Read Now: Strategic Choices for Print, Screen, and Audio (2021). Presently she is exploring how artificial intelligence is reshaping what it means to write.

Lynne Bowker (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Lynne Bowker holds an MA in Translation (University of Ottawa, Canada) and a PhD in Language Engineering (University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK). She is Full Professor at the University of Ottawa, where she holds a cross-appointment between the School of Translation and Interpretation and the School of Information Studies. She is also a certified French-English translator (Association for Translators and Interpreters of Ontario), and in 2020, she was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in recognition of her research on translation technologies. She has published widely on this topic, including Computer-Aided Translation Technology (2002, University of Ottawa Press), Working with Specialized Language: A Practical Guide to Using Corpora (2002, Routledge) and Machine Translation and Global Research (2019, Emerald). Currently, she is directing the Machine Translation Literacy Project, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Massimiliano Corsini (CNR Pisa)
Massimiliano Corsini received a PhD degree in Information and Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Florence. He is currently a senior researcher at the Visual Computing Laboratory of the ISTI-CNR in Pisa, Italy.
He worked on appearance and shape acquisition of real objects, advanced visualization for Cultural Heritage applications, and visual media productions. His current research regards the applications of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics, and Computer Vision to Monitoring, Digital Humanities, Mobile Robotics, and Visual Analytics.
During his career, he developed new algorithms and software tools documented in more than 60 publications
in peer-review international conferences and journals. He also collaborated in several National and International projects and served on numerous program committees.

Ann Devitt (Trinity College, Dublin)
I am an Associate Professor of Language Education at the School of Education in Trinity College Dublin and academic director for Learnovate, the research and innovation centre focused on educational technology funded by Enterprise Ireland and hosted in TCD.  My research interests lie in the area of language teaching and learning and technology enhanced learning. I am particularly interested in the use of computational, corpus and network science methods to examine language data. My background is in language and computation. I hold a degree in French and Italian, a Masters in Theoretical Linguistics and a PhD in Computer Science. In industry, I have worked on machine translation and speech synthesis products in the language domain as well as prototypes for network management systems in the telecoms domain. 
Video Profile:

Matteo Di Cristofaro

Luciano Fadiga (Università di Ferrara) 
Born in 1961. M.D., University of Bologna, Ph.D. in Neuroscience, University of Parma. Full Professor of Human Physiology at the University of Ferrara, Center Coordinator IIT@UNIFE (Italian Institute of Technology). He has a long experience in electrophysiology and neurophysiology in monkeys (single neurons recordings) and humans (transcranial magnetic stimulation, study of spinal excitability, brain imaging, recording of single neurons in awake neurosurgery patients). Luciano Fadiga is currently leading a group of researchers at the University of Ferrara and at the Italian Institute of Technology to investigate the possibility to establish hardware communication between the human brain and artificial device (cortical interfaces). He is actively involved in researches on human-human and human-robot interaction, from speech recognition to action understanding. Other fields of his research concern attention and its neural mechanisms in normal subjects and patients.

Tim Grant (Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics, Birmingham, UK)
Tim Grant is Professor of Forensic Linguistics and Director of the Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics at Aston University, UK.  His main research interests are in forensic authorship analysis – focusing on short form messages such as SMS text and messaging apps messages.  He has a 2022 book in this area The Idea of Progress in Forensic Authorship Analysis. His work has also focussed on using linguistics to assist in investigations into the abuse and exploitation of children and adults that occurs on the darkweb, and also on the open internet. Publications in this area include a number of papers and a co-authored book with Dr Nicci Macleod: Language and Online Identities: The Undercover Policing of Internet Sexual Crime.  Other publications include work on the linguistics of the police interview and how linguists can advise and train police officers to be better interviewers.  In this area he has co-edited a volume: Communication in Investigative and Legal Contexts.  For his academic work Prof Grant was awarded 2008 Joseph Lister Prize in the Social Sciences by the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

Paola Italia (Università di Firenze)
Paola Italia was born in Milan and lives in Florence. She teaches Italian Literature and Scholarly Editing at the University of Bologna. She has worked on various nineteenth- and twentieth-century authors and topics, with a particular focus on philological and linguistic issues related to editions of paper and digital texts (Editing Novecento, Salerno, 2013; Editing Duemila, Salerno, 2020) and on the study and edition of authorial variants (Che cos’è la filologia d’autore, written with Giulia Raboni, Carocci, 202010, recently translated into English: What is authorial philology? OBP, Cambridge, 2021), including Manzoni and Leopardi (Il metodo di Leopardi, Carocci, 2016; Manzoni, Carocci, 2020). In the twentieth-century field, she has worked on Savinio, Bassani, Tobino and Gadda (Come lavorava Gadda, Carocci, 2017). With Giorgio Pinotti and Claudio Vela she co-directs the new Adelphi edition of Gadda’s works (Accoppiamenti giudiziosi, 2011, Eros e Priapo, 2016; La Cognizione del dolore, 2017). She founded and maintains (which has had more than 800,000 hits since 2010). Within DHaRC she is developing new models for Scholarly Digital Editions and she is currently working on the new critical edition of Gadda’s WWI Diaries.

Julien Longhi (Université Cergy Pontoise, Paris)
Julien Longhi is Professor of Linguistics at CY Cergy Paris université. He specializes in discourse analysis of political and media texts, with a particular focus on ideologies, social media and digital humanities. He has published books, articles and edited volumes in the fields of pragmatics, semantics and corpus linguistics, in addition to discourse analysis. Julien Longhi is currently working on two major projects: one investigating ideology detection and characterization in Twitter and the other looking at risk and security discourses in collaboration with security authorities. Overall, Longhi invests a lot of resources to the societal impact of his scientific work. In addition to collaborating with authorities, he has opened digital platforms in which members of the public can analyse politicians’ tweets or videos. He is also an active commentator of current political matters in French journalistic media and on his blogs.

Marcus Müller (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Marcus Müller is Professor of German Studies – Digital Linguistics at the Department of Linguistics and Literature, Technische Universität Darmstadt. His research interests include corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, and language and art. Marcus Müller leads the Discourse Lab, a research platform for digital discourse analysis. Current work focuses on empirical terminology research, public risk discourses in Germany and the UK, and heuristic practices in academic discourse.

Elena Pierazzo (Université de Tours, France)

Massimo Riva, (Italian Studies, Brown University, director of the Virtual Humanities Lab)
Massimo Riva (Professor of Italian Studies at Brown University) has published on a wide range of topics, including several authored and edited or co-edited books on literary maladies and national identity in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, post-humanism and the hyper-novel, contemporary Italian fiction and the future of literature in the digital age. Since the late 1990s, his pioneering work in the digital humanities has led to the creation of several projects, including the Decameron Web, recipient of two major grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Virtual Humanities Lab, also supported by a two-year grant from the NEH, the Pico della Mirandola Project, and the Garibaldi Panorama & the Risorgimento Archive. He is the recipient of several honors, including a Digital Innovation fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies. He has recently completed a digital monograph entitled: Italian Shadows. A Curious History of Virtual Reality, a project of the Brown Digital Publications Initiative, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, to be published by Stanford University Press in 2022.

Fabrizio Sebastiani (Director of Research, ISTI-CNR)
Fabrizio Sebastiani is a Director of Research at the Institute for the Science and Technologies of Information of the Italian National Council of Research (ISTI-CNR), where he leads the AI4Text group; formerly he was a Principal Scientist at the Qatar Computing Research Institute (2014/16), and an Associate Professor at the Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics of the University of Padova, Italy (2005/06). His research interests lie in the applications of machine learning to textual data, with special emphasis on the (monoligual or cross-lingual) automatic classification of texts and applications of it such as authorship attribution, native language identification, and technology-assisted review. On these topics he has delivered several courses at international summer schools and tutorials at international conferences. He is a Senior Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Information Systems (ACM Press), an Associate Editor for the ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (ACM Press), Online Social Networks and Media (Elsevier), and PeerJ Computer Science, and a Founding Editor and former co-Editor-in-Chief of Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval (Now Publishers). He has been an Associate Editor and/or a member of the Editorial Boards of IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (IEEE Press), Information Retrieval Journal (Springer), AI Communications (IOS Press), Information Processing and Management (Elsevier), Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Wiley), and ACM Computing Reviews (ACM Press). He is the Editor for EMEA of Springer’s Information Retrieval book series. He has been, among others, a General Chairman of ECIR 2003, SPIRE 2011, ACM SIGIR 2016, and ECIR 2021, a Program Chairman of ACM SIGIR 2008, ECDL 2010, and ACM AFIRM 2020. He is a General Chairman of the upcoming CLEF 2022 conference. From 2003 to 2007 he has been the Vice-Chairman of ACM SIGIR.A fairly complete list of his publications is at

Manfredi Scanagatta

Peter Stokes (EPHE-PSL, Paris)
Peter Stokes is directeur d’études (approximately ‘research professor’) in Digital and Computational Humanities at the École Pratique des Hautes Études – Université PSL in Paris.His current research focuses on  the description and analysis of handwriting, combining the fields of palaeography, digital humanities and computer science. Before coming to Paris, he was based in the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London, as well as at the University of Cambridge. He has been Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator in several major funded projects from the ERC and the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council, and participation in numerous other European and national projects, including most recently co-directing the eScriptorium project for automatic transcription (HTR) of manuscripts using machine learning. As well as palaeography and digital humanities, he has also published on name-studies, lexicography, and early medieval English charters.